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Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 21st - The Flight

The lights are dimming and the people are settling into their seats, reclining their chairs and letting the not-so-good-plane-food relax them into sleep-mode; this airbus 737 is bringing us through different timezones and it's letting this particular night be shorter than what our bodyclocks are accustomed to (as we're flying towards the sun, instead of away). I'm in the air, in full flight and I feel amazing – and quite warm too (usually night-flights can be pretty cold, but this particular one is actually urging me to take off some layers... hahah... how cosy it is!)

Saying goodbye to the family this morning, was so different. I actually felt more luck than sadness... Why? Because not everyone has a family who totally understands just how important it can be, to do certain things in life; even if they themselves feel some degree of loss, throughout the process of expressing understanding and offering support. It's amazing really.

As well, every other time I've had to say goodbye, I've not been able to be so... what's the word... so CERTAIN and so CAPABLE of speaking from the heart. Usually I'd be fighting back the tears and unable to speak, for fear of showing too much weakness. But now, there were no tears.. I'd already shed them on Saturday! Wouw.. how cool is that!

This meant the last 'coffee-stop' I had with Mam, Eileen and Sean, just before checking-in and going through the departure gates, was one I'll never forget. I didn't feel there was a massive big 'thing' that needed to be done. Even though it's indefinite when we'll be seeing each other again, it was all SOOO fine! I said what I wanted to say, I did all I wanted to do and I didn't feel bad either for NOT crying... Yes!!!! This was the best 'goodbye' I've ever experienced in my whole life!

Having said that, it doesn't mean I won't miss them. It just means that I know my place within the family so much more than ever before and I know that our connection is strong, and always will be. It's like missing those I love, is a special kind of 'missing'' it's one I feel lucky to experience. Because the fact that I have such people to miss, means I'm blessed. No matter what happens.

Fantastic. I was ready for take-off. A bmi flight from Dublin to London and still savouring the Irish accents around me as much as poss. Once I landed in Heathrow and made my way through to terminal 3 – the Irish people were vanishing and the mingling started. Every nation suddenly has at least a 50 people to represent their country. Heathrow, everytime, seems to blow my mind. It's like this village, with different roads, alleyways, estates, communities, activities, methods of transport (to, from and THROUGH the 'village). There's a constant stream of people and commerce. Millions of people passing through each day and the list of flights departing is ENDLESS... Man it's crazy... I could sit here and analyze it, forever. But I won't. I'll keep moving this piece of writing forward, up until now: 9pm GMT or 5am GMT +8 (which is the timezone we're flying towards).

So, after a long walk from one end of “Heathrow-village” to the other, I finally found my gate. And that's when it started happening: the majority of people around me were Chinese, I was in the minority with just a handful of Brits around me. I'd alreayd left Europe and landed myself in Asia – and I hadn't even boarded the plane yet. I was buzzing with excitement and already smelling the food, tasting the tea, hearing the language and adoring the chinese children.

I can't wait to get there now, even though I'm loving this flight. 10 hours in total. O yeah, I must have sounded like a right wolly, when I first sat down in seat 39D. I turned to the guy behind me and asked how long the flight is...! and shocked when I heard it was so long...haha... How prepared am !!!

Okay. This is it for now. Trying to get some sleep on planes has never been without struggle. But maybe this night will be different. See you when I'm on the ground... on Asian soil! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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